"I am committed to responsible government, infrastructure investment, and healthy communities. Access to trails and bike paths, clean air and water, reducing waste, and minimizing flooding...these are a few of the things I think about every day on the job."
The first-ever Democratic-majority County Board in Lake County history has accomplished some amazing FIRSTS since 2018:
First-ever independent Ethics Commission to handle ethics complaints
First-ever vendor requirements to disclose campaign contributions & family relationships
First-ever recording of all committee meetings, which are posted online for easy access
First countywide paratransit system, Ride Lake County
First Crisis Care Center
First solar power planned for County properties; first model solar ordinance, making it easier for businesses and residents to go solar
First NetZero buildings, budgeted and planned
First elimination of single-use plastics in County food operations, starting 2023
First Clean Air Ordinance
First Energy & Environment Committee, and Sustainability Coordinator position
First funding for female & gender neutral residential space at the Depke Juvenile Justice facility
First Carbon Credits program (we get paid for planting trees!)
First elimination of two taxing bodies that had outlived their purpose
First time the County portion of your property taxes were kept FLAT -- three years in a row
First NetZero targets, to reduce our carbon footprint and combat climate change
Every month, the Board passes dozens of resolutions and appropriations. I encourage you to watch our meetings and participate in governance. You can do so HERE. Below are just a very few highlights:
Created rules requiring vendor disclosure of conflicts-of-interest around county contracts and contributions.
Began videotaping all county board meetings for greater transparency and accessibility to the public and press
Created independent Ethics Commission. Read HERE.
Created new committee focused on consolidating or dissolving government entities to save taxpayers money and improve efficiencies.
NetZero by 2040. Read HERE.
Added solar panels to 9 county buildings (in process)
Created the Energy and the Environment Committee
Adding electric cars to the county fleet whenever possible
Joined the County Climate Coalition
Adopted NetZero design for two new buildings to replace failing infrastructure. UPDATE--construction begins! Read HERE.
Added the new position of Sustainability Coordinator for 2022
Developing Zero Waste plan based on a circular economy--for Lake County and to encourage municipalities to join cities around the country in developing plans to drastically reduce and eventually eliminate the waste we send to landfills and incinerators. Read more HERE.
Developing PACE financing program for businesses to encourage energy efficiency and economic development. UPDATE--DONE!
Working toward eliminating the purchase and distribution of single-use plastic in County food operations. UPDATE -- DONE! Read more HERE.

Worked with Rep. Mary Edly-Allen and Rep. Dan Didech to secure state funding for a grade separation (underpass or overpass) at the rail crossing at Rte 60/Diamond Lake Rd in Mundelein.
Established Ride Lake County, a borderless, countywide paratransit service. Read more HERE.
Continually advocate for an underpass at the rail crossing on Old McHenry Rd in Hawthorn Woods, as well as sidewalks and bike paths along OMR; this project is on the County's 5-year plan and, as the busiest rail crossing in Lake County, is a high priority. Read more about the project HERE.
Successfully advocated to stop the extension of Route 53 through schoolyards, wetlands, and neighborhoods in our community
As a member of the Public Works, Planning & Transportation Committee, regularly advocate for and appropriate funds for infrastructure to keep our communities mobile and safe, with access to clean water and sewer services
Boards & Committees
Lake County Board committees
Ethics and Oversight, Chair
Financial and Administrative, Vice-Chair
Public Works, Planning and Transportation
Special Subcommittee on ARPA
Ad Hoc Drainage District Consolidation Committee
Complete Count Committee, 2020 Census
Energy and Environment
Special Committee on COVID-19 Relief
Law & Judicial
Lake County Forest Preserves Board committees
Operations, Chair
Diversity and Cultural Awareness
Preservation Foundation of the Lake County Forest Preserve District, Voting Member
Strategic Plan Steering Committee
Special Appointments & Other Public Service
Lake County Partners Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Committee
Lake County Partners Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Task Force